27. Jo Hilditch - Bench Talk with Tricia Thomas


Today the tables are turned. Throughout my year as High Sheriff I have interviewed a huge diversity of people from across Herefordshire. My first interview was with Tricia Thomas, and this one is my last and is me being interviewed by her. A discussion about what being High Sheriff has meant to me and about some of the highs and lows of the year. To encapsulate a whole year in just 20 minutes is not really possible but this draws out a few of the highlights and thoughts of both of these soon to be ex-High Sheriffs!


Hereford Make - https://www.herefordmake.com

The Cartshed - https://thecartshed.co.uk

Parkinsons UK - https://www.parkinsons.org.uk

ECHO - https://www.echoherefordshire.org.uk

No Wrong Door HVOSS - https://www.hvoss.org.uk

National Crimebeat Awards - https://www.national-crimebeat.com

Street Pastors - Lean on Me

Vennture - https://vennture.org.uk

We are Farming Minds - https://wearefarmingminds.co.uk

Hereford Food Bank - https://herefordfoodbank.co.uk

The Market Towns

Longlands Care Farm - https://www.longlandsfarm.co.uk

Hope Scott House

Orphans - https://www.orphans.co.uk

Travel Tonic - https://www.traveltonic.co.uk

Hereford Cathedral https://www.herefordcathedral.org

Visit Herefordshire – www.visitherefordshire.com


26. John Eden - Bench Talk with Jo Hilditch